Garlic is great for you! Seventeen amino acids, at least 33 sulphur compounds, eight minerals (germanium, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc) and the vitamins A, B and C.
But garlic itself contains no allicin, the powerful anti-microbial compound found in Allimax. Garlic makes allicin only once its structure is ruptured and the two compounds alliin and allinase come into contact to form allicin which attacks the cell walls of soil borne micro-organisms. Allimax is the result of a patented process and is the first garlic supplement to contain real, bioactive, stabilized allicin.
Other garlic supplements don't contain ANY Allicin. They rely on you to generate allicin once you have swallowed the tablet or capsule.
Allimax actually is Allicin. Instead of you generating your own Allicin, Allimax dissolves in your stomach for easy absorption into the bloodstream.
Allimax’s concentrated Allicin far exceeds what you get from garlic supplements, oils or raw